The city of Pogradec lies along magnificent Lake
of Ohrid, 695m above sea level. It is bordered by the Lake in north and northeast. In the south and west there are high mountains
and hills, stretching from the Mokra Mountains, which create a marvelous crown to the city. The hills are mostly covered with
chestnut bushes, some beech and oak trees, fruit trees and vineyards as well. 5 km away, east of the city, lies Drilon,
witch stands among the cold and fresh waters that spring from the bottom of the hills.
The archeological excavations
conducted in a village Lin, North of the district of Pogradec, and in the area of river Leka, show that this area has been
inhabited since the era of late Neolitian (6000-2000 years before our era). The area of Pogradec, according to the various
archives, was inhabited by Illyrian Enkeleys and Dasarets and it is here where a powerful state was established with castles
and small towns called Blace, Selce e Poshtme (Lower Selce), Lin, Castle of Pogradec.
40 km away from the City of Pogradec, within the mountainous area of Mokra, in the Lower Selca, there are 5 monumental
graves, 2400 years old, built near the end of 4th
century before Christ. They are unique in Europe in the way they are carved on rock.The
palo-christian church of Lini located on the peninsula of Lini, by the Lake, is built in the V-IV century before Christ and
all floors are paved with mosaic. Other churches in Potkozhan, like that of Saint Marine and other archeological sites such
as the mosaics of Lin, the bridge of Golik and others show the beginning of an ancient residence.
The Pogradec castle is 689m above the sea level and is close to city. It has been inhabited since the 5th century before
Christ. In the middle of 4th century before Christ, this Illyrian residential center was fortified with bulwarks.
It was a small castle with low cottage-like residence buildings, and served as a fortress for the entire surrounding area.
The archeological excavations show that inhabitants of this area were engaged in agriculture, fishing and other crafts. They
had established relationships with neighbor areas, as well. The city and its dwelling houses were burnt in the2nd century
before Christ by a big fire in the Illyrian-Macedonian-Roman war. The Castle of Pogradec continued to be inhabited during
the Roman invasion, but unfortified and did not have the same active life it had before. By the end of 4th century new bluwarks
were construced and the castel seved the native population again,this time to defend themselvs from the "barbarians".In the
4th century the demaed walls were restored.Being a castel of good strategic location it again bcame an important resident
place and continued to be so till the new invasions in the 9th century